I haven't watched an episode in some years, because the only channels that carry the program appear to be "premium" channels. However, *Dr. Who* was on the Sci-Fi network and/or on public TV for some decades. [Personal aside: I still think Tom Baker was the best Doctor Who!]

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Hey Lenny, my friend. Maybe we should take a poll—The better Doctor Who, Baker or my personal favorite, Matt Smith? I liked Tom Baker’s hunky., Brit leading man approach. But I’m more of a Matt Smith guy. It’s debatable, though Baker was a good actor, but I believe Smith has a more commanding stage presence. Yeah, the television landscape has shifted significantly when you have to pay a monthly fee to watch Doctor Who, a series once synonymous with the BBC and PBS. Good to hear from you, Lenny.


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I'm sure we'd get a bunch of completely subjective opinions, Brett. I discussed this thread with a friend (not on substack), and she insisted that Peter Davison was her favorite, while her husband preferred Jon Pertwee (whom I also enjoyed). She is a far more active "Whovian," and said that the one Doctor many people did NOT like was Colin Baker. As our French friends remind us, *Chacun à son goût*.

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Colin Baker wasn’t helped by that outlandish getup they had him running around in. And that haircut! Yikes!

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